Help > Community

How can I start a group?

To start your own group, click on the link my account on the upper right corner of the page and then select the network menu on the left bar. Click on Open a group and fill in the information about your group. Press the save button to create the group.

How can I add a new topic to the Forum?

In Autoviva we want users to share their opinions, doubts, suggestions on the Forum. If you want to start a new topic just head to the Forum page and select the Board where you think your topic should be included. Click on the selected Board and then click on the new topic button. Fill the Subject of your topic and write your message. You can also add photos. Don’t forget to read Community Rules and Guidelines.

Como posso mudar minha imagem do perfil/avatar? Personalize o seu avatar para se diferenciar dos outros membros. Pode mudar o seu avatar, editando o seu perfil. Navegue até à sua Conta e clique em "editar perfil" por baixo do seu username e imagem na barra esquerda. Depois, clique no botão "Procurar" o... mais >