48 resultados para a em Eventos

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Erich Übelacker (19 de Outubro de 1899 - 30 de Junho de 1977) foi um engenheiro de automóveis alemão. Durante o período de 1927-1939, trabalhou no Tatra Works, dese...
Archibald Goodman Frazer Nash (30 June, 1889 - 10 March, 1965), was an English automobile designer and engineer. He specialised in sports cars. In 1910 he and Henry Ronald Godfrey produced the GN ...
Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman's Anniversary
Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman (born 19 May 1928 - died 16 December 1982) was a British designer, inventor, and builder in the automotive industry, and founder of Lotus Cars. In 1952 he founded the s...