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2 carros


publicado: 10.10.12
Smoke Machine in a Lamborghini?
What is going on in these videos? Gut reaction says that this is the dumbest Lamborghini owner ever, but the more I think about it the less sure I am.

Let's look at the facts. Both videos were uploaded by the same Youtube user who appears to run some sort of European vodka company. The first video shows the car smoking heavily, and the presumed owner checking it intermittently. The Youtube description says that he ran the car out of coolant.

The second video appears to be the same car and was uploaded by the same user but at an earlier date It shows the license plate that indicates that it is registered in Frankfurt. It is also smoking but not running. The Youtube video says that the engine blew up, but at the 1:52 mark you clearly see a smoke machine in the engine bay.

Here is my theory. The European vodka baron set up the smoke machine in his Lamborghini has a joke in video two. He likes the reaction it got. He did it again in video 1 but with the engine on to see if it would work while the car was running.

Anyone else have any better ideas?

Source: Car Scoop