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2012-09-20 @ 10:52 | © imagem cedida por: Ferrari
964 Ferraris schaffen Guinness Weltrekord in SilverstoneO mais recente modelo, F12 berlinetta, também esteve presenteEsta também foi uma oportunidade para os espectadores verem toda a gama FerrariA doação foi feita à instituição BEN que ajuda trabalhadores do setor automóvel e as suas famíliasÉ também uma boa causa, uma vez que a Ferrari doou cerca de 6€ por cada carro presenteO evento foi organizado pela Ferrari North Europe e pelo Ferrari Owners Club GBQuase toda a extensão do circuito de Silverstone foi preenchida com FerrarisEm 2008 esse número foi ultrapassado em Suzuka onde se reuniram 490 FerrarisO recorde foi atingido pela primeira vez em 2007 com 385 carros em Silverstone.Foram reunidos 964 Ferraris de toda a Grã-BretanhaO desfile foi liderado por Filipe Massa ao volante de um 458 Spider.The very latest model, the F12 berlinetta, was also on display.There was also an opportunity for spectators to see the entire range of Ferrari. The donation went to BEN, a British charity that supports employees from the motor industry and their family.It was also for a good cause, as Ferrari donated £5 for every car in the parade.The event was organized by Ferrari North Europe together with the Ferrari Owners Club GB.This year, nearly the entire 3.66 miles long circuit at Silverstone was covered with Ferraris.In 2008, that number was surpassed at the Suzuka circuit by 490 Ferraris.The record was first set in 2007 with 385 cars gathered at Silverstone.A total of 964 Ferraris from all over Great Britain gathered for the event.The parade was led by Filipe Massa in a 458 Spider.tommallett
The donation went to BEN, a British charity that supports employees from the motor industry and their family.
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