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2013-11-20 @ 17:54 | © imagem cedida por: Lexus
O sistema de infotainment é controlado através de um interface touchO interior é bastante semelhante ao do ISUma versão de tração integral já está a ser desenvolvidaModelo vai ser inicialmente oferecido com uma versão V6 e outra híbridaO carro vai estar à venda em 2014A traseira também é mais elaborada com pontas de escape moldados e contudas de arrefecimento dos travõesPerfil contrasta com as linhas mais vincadas da frente e da traseiraUm dos principais atributos do RC é o design de perfilThe infotainment system is controlled by Lexus' touch controller on the pad between the seatsThe interior is quite similar to the ISA all-wheel drive version is also being plannedIt will be offered with a V6 or hybrid four-cylinderThe car will be on sale in 2014The rear is also quite complicated in the rear with molded exhaust tips and brake cooling ductsIt contrasts with the heavy creases of the front endThe RC looks best in profile with gentle curvesIt uses the platform from the RAV4It is still not known whether the LF-NX will go into production as it looks nowThe new engine is a 2.0-liter turbocharged engineThe interior is also probably not production readyLexus wants the new engine to appeal to EuropeIt will be more efficient and have lower emissions that its current range
The infotainment system is controlled by Lexus' touch controller on the pad between the seats
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